• At a glance...

    • Point one
    • Another things that sells the event
    • Something really interesting
    • A good reason to attend
    • Saying another thing


There is such a deep healing power of being in feminine collective power. This is a safe space for women and trans women. We will be healing through our bodies and not our wombs, not talking of sisterhood as a cis identity but an embodiment of the collective feminine and energy within you. We would love this space to be accessible to our queer community while still holding the energy of sisterhood. We welcome non-binary and trans masc. folk however please contact us for a call or chat before booking, to make sure this is the right space for you on your journey.


We will gather around the fire, learn the ancestral history of Beltane and begin to crack ourselves open through ritual and connection.


We will dance around the fire, with somatic healing and sensual empowerment, rewriting the stories we have been given and reclaim the relationship to our bodies.


We will anoint ourselves and each other as May Queens. Gather flowers, craft headdresses, releasing into the softness of the earth and the love that is all around us.

A call to embrace your feminine power

This is retreat aligns with the neo-pagan holiday of Beltane and is a call to all those who want to embrace their feminine power to gather with us over this bank holiday weekend in the safety and sensual sorcery of the feminine!

Beltane also known as Mayday is a Celtic fire festival associated with love, fertility and union. This retreat will immerse you into the energies and folklore of Beltane, sharing its rich cultural history and lore, bringing old traditions alive and stepping into the sovereign power of the May queen, with a splash of nymph and Fae energy.

We will be working towards collective liberation and radical self-love through dance, somatic ritual, sharing circles and plant medicine healing. Releasing any shame we have carried in our bodies and finding healing in the collective mirrors, acceptance and support of community.

We will be reclaiming the wisdoms of witchcraft and plant medicine and remembering the knowledge of the land by gathering outside in circle, and learning the properties of the wildflowers blooming at this time.

You will also learn the magic of aphrodisiacs and self-love ritual, crafting your own self love potion to take home!

  • Heading

    There will also be a sauna and a refreshing outside shower on the land for you to indulge in, in your free time. 

    There will be optional Nudity for some rituals and it is an invitation to show up as you, are wherever you are at.

    We as facilitators will honour and hold this sacred safe space of Sisterhood welcoming all parts of you, we invite you to bring your whole selves along all shapes, all sizes and body tapestries of art and wonder.

    The power of gathering on land in these times is not to be underestimated! As we gather in love and draw strength from the land, we can find safety in cracking open some of the darker parts of ourselves.
    So come gather and join us to celebrate this liminal dance between spring and summer, so you can step into summer with gumption, stride, and a sense of your inner power and internal knowing! Sometimes you need to get a little bit wild around a bonfire to unleash the softest parts of yourself. Sometimes it’s at the edges you find your freedom.

  • Food

    There is also an incredible food menu using local food from community grown projects, all non processed, Vegan, Gluten free and created with love.

    Taster menu

    Breakfast: Overnight chia pudding with a selection of fresh fruits and nutty nourishments
    Lunch: Vegan Aubergine parmigiana with fresh rocket, pear and walnut salad
    Dinner: Creamy mushroom tahini lentil stew with mashed potatoes and seasonal greens

  • Accommodation

    This retreat is located on a re-wilding project focusing on land regeneration and growing native medicinal plants.
    • Included in the ticket price of the event is Bell Tent camping on the land. There will be outside cold showers, a sauna and free morning pamper station. Bring swimsuits if you like but not necessary. All toiletries provided so they are natural and safe for the land
    • For an extra price there is accommodation just up the road in a hotel with its own saunas, swimming pool and indoor showers. This is just an extra £90 for the whole weekend


There is such a deep healing power of being in feminine collective power. This is a safe space for women and trans women. We will be healing through our bodies and not our wombs, not talking of sisterhood as a cis identity but an embodiment of the collective feminine and energy within you. We would love this space to be accessible to our queer community while still holding the energy of sisterhood. We welcome non-binary and trans masc. folk however please contact us for a call or chat before booking, to make sure this is the right space for you on your journey.

We can't wait to welcome you!

Saturday 4th May - Monday 6th May 2024