We host a variety of Events and Workshops all centred around esoteric nature- based practices. Igniting a deep connection to our inner selves, outer community and our earth.
Upcoming events

Samhain Witches Day Retreat
Saturday 2nd November 1pm-9pm -Loxton
Falling on November's Dark Moon and aligning energetically with the neo-pagan holiday Samhain (also known as Halloween), this day retreat will be a full immersion into the witchiest holiday of them all.
We will delve into ritual, plant magic, folklore and journey work. Working together as a collective for deep inner shifts and connecting to our ancestral lineage.

Welcome to our Somerset home
Join us in magical Somerset, on a rewinding project with a piece of bio-diverse land. Most of our in-person workshops are held here on the land and inside our incredible studio space.
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by signing up to our monthly (ish) news letter
Past events

Beltane Witches Self-Love Weekend Retreat
Over the weekend we will be releasing into the soft sensual sorcery of collective feminine energy, and using its magnetic power to transform ourself into a state of radical self-love! Working with plants as our guides, ourselves as our healers and the fire as our ancor.
We will be working towards collective liberation and radical self-love through dance, somatic ritual, sharing circles and plant medicine healing. Releasing any shame we have carried in our bodies and finding healing in the collective mirrors, acceptance and support of community.

Spring Equinox Aromatherapy MagicK
This day retreat immerses you into the energies of spring and teaches the art of Aromatherapy spellcraft, so you can harness the power of aromatic plants ritualistically and create lasting change within your life.
We will go over the art of manifestation, blending magical & esoteric history with modern neuroscience. Connecting to our intuitive powers of knowing, our rich ancestral linage of spellcraft and current science that is backing old knowledge.

Samhain Incense MagicK
A Samhain incense creation workshop focusing on the energies and history of the pagan holiday. Plant connection and ancestral work.
This will be a two-hour workshop on the neo-pagan holiday Samhain. You will create your own ritual incense to use for the 31st of October and other similar energetic times.

Samhain Witchcraft Day Retreat
This day retreat will immerse you into the energies and folklore of Samhain. We will go through poison plant allies, dream herbs, spell crafting and journey work. Working with deep inner shifts, plant allies and connecting to our ancestral lineage.
It is a time to connect to those who came before, connect to the land and break toxic ancestral patterns. It is by going through the darkest parts of ourselves that we find our true light.

Autumn Foraging for Skincare
A face Mask foraging workshop- focusing on the antioxidant berries found in the Autumn. With sustainable and conscious foraging techniques.
A two and a half hour, face mask foraging workshop with two parts. In the first part we will be foraging and harvesting wild herbs and plants to use on the skin. For the second part we will be creating a face mask with the plants that we have found.